Expressing the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, & Visionary
with Kalani
Explore fundamental qualities of the four Shamanic Archetypes of the Warrior, Healer, Visionary, and Teacher, as informed by the Angels Arrian book, The Four Fold Way. Participants will express traits such as Leadership, Honor, and Showing Up, as part of the Warrior; History, Wisdom, and Acceptance, as part of the Teacher, and so on. We will examine how we can embody and express these traits through our intentions and actions, as well as through the music we create, on our own and with others. This program is suited for facilitators, workshop leaders, practitioners, and individuals who wish to connect their work with qualities that we all value, inside and beyond music making. A solid musical foundation is advised in order to take full advantage of these teachings. All levels are welcome and each student will learn according to their own training, experience and potential.
Recommended Reading and Viewing:
How long does it last: 3 hours
Min Students : 10
Max Students : 20