Registration is not yet live! This is just a preview.
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- If you like, you can fill out the student questionnaire now.
- And skip filling it out again when you come back to register once registration is live.
- Click the “Step 2 – Camp Packages” link below to continue.
- Click the pictures, package or options titles, or the “Available on…” buttons to see details.
Step 1: Tell us about yourself
All camp participants are required to fill out the form below. This will helps us make your experience at camp all that it can be.
Important – Make sure to read and click the box to agree to our cancellation/refund policy.
Determine your playing level
How to determine your group.
You can use the sections below (click the + to expand each) to determine the level of player you are and what instructors group you would fit in. Do not worry you can always change once you are at camp. This helps us to have an idea of how many students, at a given level, we can expect.
First Time Flute Player
– I have a deep desire to play the Native American flute. However, I have never played one.
– I do not know the basic scale, or much about how to properly play the Native American flute
– I would enjoy an environment that allows me to learn at a pace that is comfortable, safe, and fun.
– The little bit that I know of the Native American style flute has sparked an exciting fascination and eagerness to learn more.
– I have an idea but do not fully understand the basic scale of the flute.
– I am open to learning beautiful, uncomplicated songs; however, more importantly, I am eager to know how to tap into my own creative style and play me and my Spirit Songs with imagination and embellishments.
– It’s important for me to learn in a safe and fun environment which honors and encourages the pace of my own learning capacity, and also prepares me with confidence to pursue higher education of the Native American flute, if I so choose.
Intermediate I
– Scales: I can play the five-note scale fluently (on the NAF, the “built in scale” keeping the left third finger down is called the minor pentatonic scale). I do not play in other scales but do know a few notes outside of that five-note scale)
– Playing experience: I improvise some, but tend to play the same notes and articulations and I can play a few ‘pieces” (your own, or written by others).
– Counting: I have little to some understanding of counting beats (whole note, half note, quarter note) and some familiarity of basic time signatures such as 4/4
Intermediate II
– Scales: I can play fluently in the five-note scale (on NAF, the minor pentatonic scale). I can also play in at least one other scale such as the major scale, blues scale, “Gypsy” scale, etc…
– Playing experience: I improvise comfortably in different modes/scales, play pieces (your own or written by others), have some experience playing with other musicians.
– Counting: I have a medium level of rhythmic counting (whole notes to 16th notes and their corresponding rests), counting beats per measure, and understand the time signatures 4/4 and 6/8.
– Scales: I am very fluent on the NAF and play comfortably in several scales.
– Playing experience: I am very solid NAF player and play pieces and improvise. I have experience performing, maybe even recording, and have experience playing with other musicians.
– Counting: I have a solid understanding of counting and have experience playing in a variety of time signatures (4/4, 6/8, maybe even irregular time signatures such as 7/8)